
Which pack are you interested in?*
  • Agrícola de Garriguella i Rabós

    Ctra. de Roses, s/n 17780 Garriguella

    info at cooperativagarriguella dot com

    GARRIGUELLA SHOP: 9 sm to 7 pm Monday to Thursday and 9 am to 8 pm Friday to Sunday CAMPRODON SHOP: 10 am to 2 pm - 4 am to 8 pm Friday and Saturday 9 am to 2 pm Sunday (+ 34 972 13 05 98) RESTAURANT: 8:30 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Thurday (Open kitchen till 4:00 pm) 8:30 am to 24:00 pm Friday to Sunday (Open kitchen till 10:30 pm) Reservations from groups minimum 10 people (+34 972 53 00 02)

  • Cooperativa Garriguella - Comercial

    comercial at cooperativagarriguella dot com

  • Cooperativa Garriguella - Exportacions

    export at cooperativagarriguella dot com

  • Cooperativa Garriguella - Enoturisme - Visits and tastings

    enoturisme at cooperativagarriguella dot com